SimplQ — Social distancing is now easy

Sajmal Yousef
2 min readJun 11, 2020

Today, the governments around the globe are faced with a one of a kind challenge of keeping the economy running while simultaneously ensuring that the pandemic is brought under control. In these testing times, the world is in dire need of an efficient means of managing the crowd in a seamless manner.

Anyone who wishes to avoid people from physically standing in line or waiting in their lobbies can use SimplQ, a project developed by us to create a one click virtual queue, which would generate a unique queue URL. The URL enables users to join this virtual queue by simply mentioning their details. The users can keep track of the status using the link and would require next to zero waiting in line . The creator of the queue can also notify the user of their turn. The users no longer need to crowd at public places and risk being infected.

In India with over 400 million smartphone users , this solution if used effectively can enforce social distancing to a very large extent.One can think of numerous use cases in a variety of sectors for this generic and easy to use queue management system.

Even in a pre COVID -19 world, queues have always been a hindrance to the seamless experience that a customer could enjoy. They cause anxiety and reduce the overall satisfaction. SimplQ can organize users in a better fashion and the queue creators could direct their attention on to more important aspects of the economic operation.

The frontend is built with React, backend in Java and all the code is open source and is available here on gitHub. Feel free to fork and improve if you have any cool ideas in mind :)

